Protect Yourself While Hiking
Hiking is a healthy aerobic adventure. It not only benefits your physical well being with improved cardio-respiratory f...
Trampolines - Perfect for Health by Training Many Muscles of the Body
Trampolines are absolutely perfect for health by training many muscles throughout the body. Learn here about the variety of muscles which are exercise...
How Your Second Brain May Exist in Your Stomach (Infographic)
For years people have sub-consciously attached the functions of the stomach as a sort of second brain that can tell whe...
Could a Lack of Brushing Increase Your Chance of Dementia?
While there are many debilitating diseases and conditions that can complicate an individuals ability to lead a ...
Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes
Introduction Cigarette smoking has been considered as one of the most crucial threats to the human body. Cigarette smok...
My Dumb Phone - Eat Breathe Blog
Our cell phones are our lives. Students cling to their phones like there is no tomorrow. We wait for some guy to text u...
Prevent Hair Loss: Avoiding Undesirable Side Effects of Exercising
If you are just beginning a rigorous fitness routine, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Excessive exercising can lead to hair loss.
How to select a safe and trusted private hospital
Although a National Health Service (NHS) hospital can administer medical treatment in Northern Ireland, a private hospi...
Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Living an active and healthy life is something that we all desire, but fact is that not everyone is willing to put in efforts for fulfilling this wish...
Sound Sleep - Sound Mind and Sound Body
We have all heard our parents say how important it is to get 8 full hours of sleep each night. Doctors also agree to th...
Ultrasound Therapy: What is it?
I’ve seen ads for ultrasound therapy all over the internet; things that say “Ultrasound therapy reduces pain” or “ultra...
Are dietary and herbal supplements safe for your health?
Dietary supplements are plants and minerals that have the reputation of providing benefits to human health. People have...
Reducing Holiday Stress - Eat Breathe Blog
The holidays bring people together—for better AND worse. This time of year is an emotional pressure cooker. Holidays ar...
The Value of Competition in Sport for Teenagers
Competition is a part of life, so we might as well learn about its value when we are young. Learn more about the benefits of competition for teenagers...
What You Need to Know About Glucose
The body is an amazing thing. Everybody is generally made the same way. There are many things that the body has in plac...
Healthy Recipes Equal Healthy Teeth - Eat Breathe Blog
Millions of people around the world simply never grasp the strong relationship between oral health and a healthy diet. ...
Changing Trends In Drug Use
At this point in American history, it is important for parents to learn as much as they can about current drug trends....
Feng Shui at Work - Guest Post - Eat Breathe Blog
Guest Post about Feng Shui at work. Learn about the art of energies!