Fitness. Page 14

In the Gym: Overcoming Getting Older - Eat Breathe Blog

The aches and pains of getting older and how to cope with them to stay fit and keep going to the gym.
18:07 16 January 2021

Facts about Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga - 3 Types of Caviar

The three types of caviar, Beluga, Osetra & Sevruga all from the Caspian Sea. Very expensive and luxurious learn about the individual characterist...
18:07 15 January 2021

Age Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can affect people from all walks of life, but seniors are at a higher risk as most hearing loss is age-rel...
18:07 10 January 2021

Coconut Water is a Healthy Choice for Everyone

Coconut water is one of the very best beverages you can drink that will keep plenty of electrolytes in your body. It is...
18:07 6 January 2021

Green Dieting: Environmentally Friendly Ways to Improve Your Dietary Health

Everyone seems to be looking for that magic diet where they will be able to eat whatever they want and still shed pound...
18:07 4 January 2021

5 Great Low-Impact Workouts

A regular exercise routine increases muscle strength and boosts endurance levels, helping you stay fit and maintain a h...
18:06 31 December 2021

How Scoliosis Affected Patients Can Improve Their Quality Of Life

For those who are unaware, scoliosis is a condition in which there is a sideways curvature of the spine. It usually occ...
18:07 30 December 2021

Essential Diet Plan for Fighters

Whether you are a boxer, a pro fighter or simply someone that weightlifts in their local gym, the food that you eat is ...
18:07 30 December 2021

Find a Home in the Winter

It can be difficult to find a home in winter, before the typical selling season, but here a few tips to help guide the way.
18:07 21 December 2020

10 Tips to Explosive Muscle Growth

If youve arrived here looking for the proprietary diet and exercise plan called Explosive Muscle Method&#...
18:07 5 December 2020

Do I Have Low Testosterone?

By understanding the causes and symptoms of low testosterone, men can begin looking for treatment options.
18:07 4 December 2020

How to Manage your LinkedIn Profile as a Physiologist

Social media is all the rage and is here to stay! Learn how to managed your LinkedIn profile as a Physiologist. Information is transferable to other r...
18:07 2 December 2020

Tips on Choosing a Personal Trainer

If youve gotten to a level of commitment where its time to work with a personal trainer, your decision ma...
18:07 28 November 2020

How to Make your Teeth More Healthier (Infographic)

They say – “Smiling is infectious”. Yes it is if you own those white healthy pearl like teeth. Everyone will be forced ...
18:07 22 November 2020

How To Reduce Stress And The Health Benefits

Stress can wreak all sorts of havoc on a person’s life and can often make day to day life a nightmare. When you’re stre...
18:07 17 November 2020

My Guest Post on - Eat Breathe Blog

Check out my guest post on diets and dating on! Great tips on what to eat when going to the movies, dinner or for cocktails!
18:07 4 November 2020

10 Antioxidants to Help You Stay Healthier Longer

In September of 2012, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters unveiled a line of coffees aimed at wellness. Each of the three pr...
18:06 1 November 2020

Special Diet for Muay Thai Enthusiasts

When engaged in any form of exercise regimen whether for fitness or for a sports bout, an individual needs to follow a...
18:07 29 October 2020