Life Hacks. Page 11

Are dietary and herbal supplements safe for your health?

Dietary supplements are plants and minerals that have the reputation of providing benefits to human health. People have...
18:07 25 April 2021

Reducing Holiday Stress - Eat Breathe Blog

The holidays bring people together—for better AND worse. This time of year is an emotional pressure cooker. Holidays ar...
18:07 21 April 2021

The Value of Competition in Sport for Teenagers

Competition is a part of life, so we might as well learn about its value when we are young. Learn more about the benefits of competition for teenagers...
18:07 15 April 2021

What You Need to Know About Glucose

The body is an amazing thing. Everybody is generally made the same way. There are many things that the body has in plac...
18:07 11 April 2021

Healthy Recipes Equal Healthy Teeth - Eat Breathe Blog

Millions of people around the world simply never grasp the strong relationship between oral health and a healthy diet. ...
18:07 10 April 2021

Changing Trends In Drug Use

At this point in American history, it is important for parents to learn as much as they can about current drug trends....
18:07 10 April 2021

Feng Shui at Work - Guest Post - Eat Breathe Blog

Guest Post about Feng Shui at work. Learn about the art of energies!
18:07 4 April 2021

A Glossary for Aspiring Designers [INFOGRAPHIC]

As an aspiring designer, I spend a lot of time trawling around on and watching video tutorials in the instruc...
18:07 2 April 2021

Safety First Still the Best Policy on the Road

Safety first should be top of mind of every driver regardless of his or her experience or the vehicle that he or she is...
18:07 31 March 2021

Sending Love to Joplin -

It was a beautiful day in the sunshine state. The sky was clear and the weather felt perfect. I felt like I didn’t have...
18:07 30 March 2021

Every Breath You Take - 5 Tips to Help Relieve Your Family of Seasonal Allergies

American author and clergyman Henry van Dyke once observed, “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring...
18:07 18 March 2021

Loving Your Heart and Body this Valentine's Day

February is a big month for hearts. In addition to February playing host to Valentine’s Day, this month is also America...
18:07 14 March 2021

Natural Ways to Fight Back Pain

Back pain is a debilitating problem that affects the vast majority of people at some time in their lives. We all know a...
18:07 10 March 2021

How to use lavender oil as a steam and vapour therapy aid.

This article discusses how essential lavender oil can be used to enhance health through steam and vapour therapy aid.
18:07 9 March 2021

How To Find Quality Organic Products For Your Family

Eating healthy doesnt have to be expensive but requires planning. Buying organic can avoid pesticides or harmful chemicals in your food.
18:07 3 March 2021

Human Hair Wigs – All the Facts You Will Want to Know

You may have heard much talk about the rise in popularity of human hair wigs. Here we discuss this modern trend and place the facts in front of you.
18:07 3 March 2021


  Everyone, put on your welcome hats because we have a new author! Nancy Trace has been in the business world for...
18:07 26 February 2021

Working in Your Garden: A Healthy Habit

Working in your garden is a healthy practice that can benefit you in all areas of life.
18:07 23 February 2021