Why Cycling In the City Is a Great Idea

Many people believe that cycling in the city is bad, an unhealthy pursuit but this is far from the truth. Read here about cycling in the city.

You love the city. You love the energy that the city gives you – the people, the sites, the smells, the sounds – there truly is nothing like being in the action of an urban area. And when you’re on your bicycle, there is nothing more exhilarating than exploring the streets of it. You’re not confined to a car – you’re out in the open air, feeling the roads and sidewalks beat with life. So whatever bike it is that you have – BMX, mountain bike, a street bike, or hybrid bike – traveling a city by bike gives you the chance to feel what the city is truly like.

Cycling in Birmingham, England

What things are easy to explore by bike in the city?

Art: Many cities are rich with a creative art culture. Some neighborhoods are known for public art and many museums, pubs, or shops have unique art displayed outside. So all you need to do is hop off your bike and stroll, taking in the sights.

Neighborhoods: Exploring the different neighborhoods and the various people groups that live in the city is one of the best parts of being in the city. You hear different languages and see different cultures living life. It’s fantastic to ride around and look at some of older, established homes that add to the rich history of the city.

Food and wine: You’re pedaling by restaurant after restaurant and you can’t help but take in the tantalizing aromas of the kitchen or grill. Maybe it was grilled burgers, roasted coffee, the smell of fresh-baked goods at the bakery nearby, or salty fries at the local diner that you smelled and your stomach starts rumbling. And when you’re on your bike it’s easy to just stop in your tracks and pull over to try new restaurant or coffee shop. Even if you don’t want to stop and eat, you can still explore a city’s food scene by riding by and seeing where people are congregating. It will give you a good idea of what’s good and where you should come back to!

Family cycling fun in Amsterdam

And if you’re a fan of beer and wine tasting, this is the perfect opportunity to stop and sample a couple of new items. Don’t have too much fun at the wine tasting events though – drinking heavily and driving your bike don’t mix. So instead, taste some samples, find what you like, and buy a bottle to drink later at home!

Shops: Do you enjoy window shopping? Window shopping on a bike is pretty awesome. You just pedal slowly, check out the shops, and check out what you like without having to buy anything! Maybe there is a local bike shop that you’ve wanted to stop at. Now’s your time! Hop on your bike and cruise over – check out what kind of bike gear you’re missing and buy some for the ride home.

While you’re exploring your favorite city by bike, remember safety first. It’s easy to get distracted by all the sights and sounds and forget to pay attention to oncoming traffic, signs, pedestrians walking, or stop lights. Make sure that you are aware of how traffic is moving and what the rules are for bikes and pedestrians on the road.

Riding your bike through the city gives you an irreplaceable opportunity to discover and experience the city in a way that you never could by car, train, or subway. So, put on your helmet, shoes, grab a water bottle, hop on your bike, and start pedaling!

The city awaits you.

Article brought to you by London based cycling shop Zeevon.


Categories: Health, Lifestyle | Tags: city, cycling, health, lifestyle, wellbeing | Permalink

10 January 2023, 18:07 | Views: 1965

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