Tracking the Attack of Asthma
One of the key responsibilities of a civilized government is to provide proper and efficient health care facilities to ...
Mean Green Machine - Sweet And Savory, Salads And Smoothies
Protein, its an essential building block for all of our cells. Without it, the health of a cell will rapidly dep...
Tips to avoid back and neck pain during long haul air flights
This article provides information about how to avoid back and neck pain on long haul flights.
The Secrets of Easy Food and Wine Pairing | Eat, Breathe, Blog
Choosing the Right Wine Pairings Requires Attention to Detail and Experience, or at Least Accurate Information. To Find Your Dinner Pairing Wine
Raise Your Paw for Cats or Dogs
I have noticed in my personal life that my friends are divided by pet preference. Maybe yours are too. Pets seem to bri...
How to Stay On the Go When Arthritis Pain Strikes
Bette Davis once said, “Old age is no place for sissies.” This is especially true when facing all the downsides to grow...
Meditation For Stress: Helping Busy Moms Cope
Practicing mediation for stress relief helps busy moms cope with fatigue, the emotional ups and downs of parenting and a hectic schedule
Female Incontinence: The Importance of Pelvic Floor Exercises
What Is Stress Incontinence? Many women suffer from the embarrassment of leaks – technically called female stress incon...
Mind Over Matter – You Are What You Think
What do you think about yourself when you look in the mirror? Are you bombarded with negative thoughts about your body image, such as “I’ll never be h...
Electronic Cigarettes – The Healthier and Stylish Way to Smoke
Electronic cigarettes are a cool and stylish accessory for a smoker who would like to make the transition towards a hea...
Волк садится рядом с женщиной в лесу, а теперь посмотрите на его дальнейшие действия
Волки имеют репутацию животных агрессивных, многие люди, включая меня, не на шутку испугаются...
Diminishing the Appearance of Stretch Marks- 6 Tips
Ladies, it’s almost that time of the year—bikini season. If you’re anything like me, you take this time of year with a ...
Cardio and Diet – How Improved Fitness and Nutrition Enhances Energy Levels
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we wou...
News Flash: Exercise Does Not Always Lead To Weight Loss
It has been well documented over the last few years that increasing the amount you exercise can aid in weight loss.
7 Sun-Filled Reasons to Add Solar Power to Your Lifestyle
American stand-up comedian Dennis Miller once joked, “Why is electricity so expensive these days? Why does it cost so m...
A Shopping Guide to Varieties of Kitchen Knives
Kitchen knives come in many different shapes and sizes so its important you know which ones will suit your culinary needs. Read this guide for more in...
Indiana's Planned Parenthood Situation Worsens
This article is a follow-up to a guest post that EatBreatheBlog contributor Danielle wrote for Women’s Glib. I was twen...
Which is better - Running or Elliptical training?
Guide to the pros and cons and health benefits of running & elliptical training. Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, how do these 2 regi...