Mind Over Matter – You Are What You Think
What do you think about yourself when you look in the mirror? Are you bombarded with negative thoughts about your body image, such as “I’ll never be h...
Electronic Cigarettes – The Healthier and Stylish Way to Smoke
Electronic cigarettes are a cool and stylish accessory for a smoker who would like to make the transition towards a hea...
Diminishing the Appearance of Stretch Marks- 6 Tips
Ladies, it’s almost that time of the year—bikini season. If you’re anything like me, you take this time of year with a ...
Cardio and Diet – How Improved Fitness and Nutrition Enhances Energy Levels
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we wou...
News Flash: Exercise Does Not Always Lead To Weight Loss
It has been well documented over the last few years that increasing the amount you exercise can aid in weight loss.
7 Sun-Filled Reasons to Add Solar Power to Your Lifestyle
American stand-up comedian Dennis Miller once joked, “Why is electricity so expensive these days? Why does it cost so m...
A Shopping Guide to Varieties of Kitchen Knives
Kitchen knives come in many different shapes and sizes so its important you know which ones will suit your culinary needs. Read this guide for more in...
Indiana's Planned Parenthood Situation Worsens
This article is a follow-up to a guest post that EatBreatheBlog contributor Danielle wrote for Women’s Glib. I was twen...
Which is better - Running or Elliptical training?
Guide to the pros and cons and health benefits of running & elliptical training. Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, how do these 2 regi...
Finding Food Allergy Facts
Guest post by Jennifer Hogan Redmond from Inspired Mother. When it comes to food allergy, things aren’t what they seem....
What Are MRI Scans And What Are They For?
If you have ever wondered, What is an MRI Scan? and what is it for? Read this article. We discuss all about MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and its b...
10 Easy Tips to go Gluten-Free in Your Diet
Are you joining the growing number of people who have discovered you are intolerant to gluten? Or, perhaps you have rec...
Are you Choosing the Right Numbers?
Playing the lottery can be a lot of fun, but theres a lot of money at stake too. Money that you could win, if yo...
The Color Wheel Of Complexions and Seasons
THeres actually a science behind the idea of looking good in a certain shade of mascara or color of dress. Ideal...
The Right Bra for Your Body
Every womans body calls for a different kind of wardrobe. And were not just talking about: Vertica...
Making Friends With Hills
Guest blogger and running coach Patrick Stoddard, explains how to tackle "the hill" when running.
Working Out: Don't Let it be Too Much of a Good Thing
Working out can greatly improve the general wealth being and fitness of an individual. However, too much of a good thin...
Adding Composting to Your Recycling Practices
At first, it was the occasional aluminum can. After a while, newspapers and clear bottles joined the collection, follow...