Life Hacks. Page 4

Fun Art for Kids - The Educational Value of Visiting A Museum

I remember one time when my siblings and I were taken to a small, local art museum and the tour guide told my mother, “...
18:07 5 May 2023

Healthy Teeth Healthy Body

Your health is the most important thing you have
18:07 29 April 2023

Don't Let Sports Injuries Break Your Back!

Sports injuries are always a threat, but with the Olympics underway, now’s a perfect time to bring them into the spotlight!
18:07 25 April 2023

Guest Post: Alkaline Water & Diet: A Healthy Approach to Diabetes

Diabetes is rapidly becoming an epidemic in the United States
18:07 18 April 2023

How to Make OTHERS Feel Better

We all know the kind of things that make us feel better
18:07 7 April 2023

A Look into Finding Your Frugal Way - Eat Breathe Blog

A guest post today from our dear friend Staci over at on living a frugal lifestyle, something...
18:07 5 April 2023

45 Health Tips for Traveling to Africa!

Are you also looking at health precautions you should take?
12:08 31 March 2023

Mechanics Don’t Wear Masks, Despite Risk of Asbestos Exposure

It’s been well known for decades that brake linings in motor vehicles...
11:24 31 March 2023

Minimising Electronic Waste - What Consumers Can Do

Electronic Waste is one of the biggest problems of the 21st century. Learn about ways consumers can lead greener lives with regards to e-waste.
18:07 25 March 2023

The Physiological Effects of Doing Good

  Think about your favorite volunteering experience. Maybe you helped serve homeless people at a soup kitchen. May...
18:07 22 March 2023

The Pool Owner's Secret to Staying Fit

Having your own pool is the passport to staying fit as swimming is not only considered to be a great way of staying fit...
18:07 21 March 2023

5 Ways to Avoid Allergies at Work

As anyone who suffers from allergies can tell you, it’s absolutely no fun. The scratchy eyes, stuffy nose, and headache...
18:06 20 March 2023

Top Foods For Cardiovascular Health

There are certain foods that can improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the symptoms of heart disease. They don’...
18:07 12 March 2023

All You Need to Know about Asthma

Asthma sufferers know the helpless feeling that overcomes them at the onset of an attack. Treatment options have come a...
18:07 1 March 2023

6 Deceptively Delicious Unhealthy Beverages to Stay Away From

Unhealthy beverages are just as bad for your body as junk foods are. The problem is that unhealthy drinks have the dece...
18:07 27 February 2023

Four Ways to Manage Anterior Knee Pain

Anterior knee pain, also known as “runner’s knee” is a common complaint among people who engage in a lot of weight–bear...
18:07 21 February 2023

Master Cleanse Diet

The Master Cleanse Diet is an effect fad diet that can help a person shed weight quickly in a short period of time
18:07 19 February 2023

An Introduction to the World of Lucid Dreaming

We introduce the world of lucid dreaming in this article. We explain what lucid dreaming is and the range of health benefits associated with the techn...
18:07 5 February 2023