Safety First Still the Best Policy on the Road

Safety first should be top of mind of every driver regardless of his or her experience or the vehicle that he or she is...

Safety first should be top of mind of every driver regardless of his or her experience or the vehicle that he or she is driving. With millions of people getting killed and injured around the world each year due to road accidents, it is just appropriate to be extra careful when on the road. This applies not only when you’re in your home country but more so when you’re traveling abroad and renting a car.

The Association of Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) reveals that almost 1.3 million people die in road crashes annually. This translates to an average of 3,287 deaths per day. What’s said about this is that majority of the road crash victims such in developing countries are not those in the vehicle involved but pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists and occupants of non-motorized vehicles.

Safe driving spells the difference in saving lives and reaching one’s destination with your limbs intact. It entails using the seatbelt properly, being in one’s normal and alert condition, focusing on the road, not using mobile gadgets, not eating and not reading while driving.

These are the basic safety steps every driver learns at the start and should continue to be aware of moving onwards. Unfortunately, some tend to forget to follow the rules after years of driving confident that they’ll handle everything well while on the road.

Categories: Family Safety | Tags: basic safety tips, safe driving, safety on the road | Permalink

31 March 2021, 18:07 | Views: 623

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