Parenting: Tips to Improve your Life and that of Your Family - Eat Breathe Blog

Today we have a guest post from fellow blogger and mommy Amy Barseghian. Amy works in social media marketing, owns Your...

Today we have a guest post from fellow blogger and mommy Amy Barseghian. Amy works in social media marketing, owns Your Child Sleep Coach, and is the owner of From One Mommy to Another, a product review blog. You can find her on Twitter @MommyMentor and as Mommy Mentor on Facebook as well.

Let’s face it, parenting doesn’t always come easy. Day in and day out we are faced with the challenges of raising our children to the best of our abilities. But it seems all to easy to get caught up in the shuffle and stress of it all. Let’s look at three parenting tips that will help improve your family life and minimize the stresses in your everyday life!

  1. Maintain a rhythm to your child’s day: Children are brought into this world with a clean slate; it can be easy as parents to assume they know what we are thinking and what we are planning. But they don’t…and because they are creatures of habit, they find comfort in predicting their environment. It allows them to feel safe and fully enjoy the world around them. When parents provide a consistent routine for their children, it allows them to feel safe and fully enjoy their world. In turn, your child will be able to focus on learning, behaving, and growing to the best of their ability. Additionally, a consistent routine also increases their ability to nap and sleep better, making everyone in the home happier.
  1. Set aside time for yourself and take stock in it: Let’s face it, being a parent is a demanding role. You are always “on” so it is essential that you set time aside for you. Whether it is working out, getting coffee by yourself in the morning, or having time to read a book, schedule it. Retrain yourself to get up earlier if you need to so you can have “you time” and be in a better place each morning for your children. And remember that any change takes time. Generally, it can take 30 days to form a new habit and up to 90 days to fully realize the benefits of it.

I have learned that being showered and ready before my children wake up puts me in a better place. I can give them the attention they need, get them ready for school, and do so in an attentive state. Exercise has also been a consistent part of my life for a decade now; waking early each day allows me to exercise regularly and enjoy some quiet time on my days “off” before the children get up.

Whatever you need to make you feel whole, set time aside for it, and take inventory in the fact that you did get it.

  1. Determine the value of your time: Pay attention to how much time you spend on the various (hundreds) of tasks you do as a mom, dad, caretaker, professional, or what have you. Then, find ways to simplify it. Our world is full of resources and it is okay to utilize those to improve your life and that of your family. Many times, we try to do it all, and in the process, can fail to enjoy ourselves. Instead of making multiple trips to the store for what you need, consider something like Amazon Prime. With Amazon Prime, you pay $79 for the year and you receive free 2 day shipping on thousands of items. You can also split the Prime membership with your family members to reduce the cost. Instead of running to the store for paper towel, have it auto scheduled to ship every month or two, depending on your needs. Bulk ordering some items can save you money as well with Amazon’s Subscribe and Save pricing.

You may also consider hiring a cleaning service, someone to handle yard maintenance, or a nanny to help. Each family’s situation is unique; evaluate your priorities and see if you can afford to hire help where you want to. In the end, your time is precious and it is up to you to determine the value of it.

Making one or two changes can truly lighten your load and help you enjoy your days and live them to the fullest.


Categories: Guest Posts | Permalink

9 December 2021, 18:07 | Views: 2047

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