Most Common Chiropractic Myths Put to Rest!

The health community is ripe with myths that are accepted as wisdom. Let’s take a moment to debunk some of the most common myths about chiropractic ca...
Myth #1: Pain killers are safer and more efficient than chiropractic care.
Myth #2: If you go to the chiropractor once, you’ll have to keep going; you can’t stop.
Myth #3: Children don’t need to visit the chiropractor.
Myth #4: Chiropractors aren’t real doctors.
Myth #5: You can just do an adjustment at home; you don’t need a professional.
Myth #6: Chiropractors charge an arm and a leg.

Sadly, there are many myths that float around our society. Nowhere are those myths more prevalent than in areas related to health. They become accepted as wisdom in place of established fact.

Let’s take a moment to debunk some of the most commonly confused myths about chiropractors.

Myth #1: Pain killers are safer and more efficient than chiropractic care.

Fact: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pain killers are much too prevalent in our society. In 2010, there were enough painkiller prescriptions written to medicate every American adult around the clock for a month.

That’s not all. Prescription drug overdose deaths in the United States have more than tripled since 1990. Sadly, 100 people die every day from an overdose. Moreover, adverse reactions to prescription medications are the third leading cause of death in America.

Still think pain pills are a better bet?

Myth #2: If you go to the chiropractor once, you’ll have to keep going; you can’t stop.

Fact: Many people believe chiropractic care is part of an ongoing, healthy lifestyle. Professionals see it as a form of preventative medicine. However, no patient is required to continue care. Nor does one visit alter your body in a way you are forced to continue.

Myth #3: Children don’t need to visit the chiropractor.

Fact: Chiropractic care is safe of people of all ages. There are age-appropriate methods available for everyone. Even the elderly can benefit from chiropractic care.

Another population that is often overlooked when it comes to chiropractic care is pregnant women. Chiropractors and other health professionals have worked together to hone a system that is safe for both mother and child.

Additionally, the Occupational Safety Health Administration estimates that a child endures 1,500 spin-related traumas before the age of five. Regular chiropractic care can help minimize adverse effects of such injuries.

Myth #4: Chiropractors aren’t real doctors.

Fact: Just like any other health professional, chiropractors must have a college degree, receive specialized medical training, obtain the necessary licenses, and be accredited by the state. In fact, chiropractors are actually required to sit through 235 more hours of college classroom instruction that other medical students.

Myth #5: You can just do an adjustment at home; you don’t need a professional.

Fact: Engaging in self-care may alleviate some of pain and side-effects. However, the “cure” is temporary and provides a false sense of reassurance. Without professional attention, the condition is not fully treated. Additionally, if preformed incorrectly, the patient could increase the chance of arthritis.

Myth #6: Chiropractors charge an arm and a leg.

Fact: Many insurance companies will cover the cost of chiropractic care. Studies show the preventative care associated with chiropractor visits is cheaper than the cost of drugs and surgeries.

There you have it. Six of the most common myths about chiropractic care. Have you been suffering under the disillusion of any of these? Do you disagree with our findings? Let us know!


Guest author Mary Rayhons, the assistant of a chiropractor in Clearwater, shares chiropractor information on various health and fitness websites. It is her goal to shine a light on the chiropractic community and help educate people about what these professionals really do.

Categories: Health, Lifestyle | Tags: chiropractic care, chiropractor, myths, true or false | Permalink

10 February 2021, 18:07 | Views: 1782

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