Facts about Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga - 3 Types of Caviar

The three types of caviar, Beluga, Osetra & Sevruga all from the Caspian Sea. Very expensive and luxurious learn about the individual characterist...

You have probably heard that caviar is an expensive delicacy, but did you know that there are actually several different types available? True, gourmet caviar comes from sturgeon fish, found primarily in the Caspian Sea. The three main types of caviar are Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga. In this article we will explain the difference between the three types and why they are so sought after.

Beluga sturgeons produce the largest eggs out of the three.

Type #1 Beluga caviar

Beluga caviar is not only the largest of the three types, but also the rarest. Fewer than a hundred Beluga sturgeons are caught each year, making the caviar extremely expensive. Beluga sturgeons can weigh over two thousand, five hundred pounds and grow up to a length of around twenty feet. Many people believe that Beluga caviar is the best out of the three due to the large size of the eggs and expensive price tag, however it really falls down to personal taste.

It takes Beluga sturgeons at least twenty years to mature and start producing eggs. The colour of the eggs ranges from light to dark grey. This type of caviar has a smooth, buttery flavour which is favoured by many. It is thought that Beluga caviar was preferred by Pablo Picasso, who would pay for it by sending cash wrapped in one of his original sketches.

Type #2 Osetra caviar

Osetra sturgeons do not take as long as Beluga sturgeons to mature. It usually takes between twelve and fifteen years for them to start producing eggs, which can vary from dark brown to golden yellow in colour. Osetra fish are medium sized, growing up to ten feet and weighing an average of five hundred pounds.

Although Osetra caviar is not as expensive or large as Beluga caviar, many people prefer it due to its unique nutty flavour. Some people even describe it as almost fruity. Osetra caviar was the favourite of Ian Fleming, author of James Bond. Golden Osetra caviar comes from white or albino sturgeons and is often referred to as ‘royal caviar’ as in the past it was reserved for royalty only.

Osetra caviar has a nutty, fruity taste.

Type #3 Sevruga caviar

Sevruga caviar is the smallest of the three and the most abundant. This type of sturgeon fish grow up to seven feet and weigh up to one hundred and fifty pounds. They take the shortest time to mature (between five and seven years) and produce small grey eggs. Sevruga sturgeons are easy to recognise as they have a distinctive shape, with a pointed muzzle.

Although Sevruga is the cheapest and smallest of the three caviar types, many people favour its bold flavour and creamy texture. Like Beluga caviar it has a buttery taste, as opposed to a nutty taste, but Sevruga caviar does tend to be more salty and intense. Sevruga caviar was favoured by French general, Charles de Gaulle. Do not be fooled into thinking that Sevruga caviar is lower quality, due to its lower price tag. Try it for yourself and you will see that this certainly isn’t the case.

Sevruga caviar, you just have to try some!


Although Beluga caviar is the most expensive, this is due to the fact it is rarer, rather than because it is the best of the three caviar types. Out of the tree main types of Caspian sturgeon caviar, there is not one that is more superior to the others. Each type of Caspian sturgeon caviar is prized for its individual characteristics which include its size, colour and most importantly, taste. Although most people that are new to caviar will tend to go for the Sevruga type, it is definitely worth trying the other two to see which you favour in taste.


Image credits: berzowska & stu_spivack

Categories: Health, Lifestyle, Shopping | Tags: beluga, caviar, osetra, sevruga, types | Permalink

15 January 2021, 18:07 | Views: 642

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