6 Unbeatable Nutrients that Bring Back the Rejuvenal Time

Until now, we have been focusing on foods that accelerate or decelerate the aging process
Vitamin D
Vitamin K2
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Until now, we have been focusing on foods that accelerate or decelerate the aging process. However, it’s now high time to focus on the nutrients that play a dynamic role in the same. Since long, the nutritionists had been exploring the dynamics of telomeres that affect life expectancy and cellular aging. 

According to studies, it was found that the minute units of DNA—the telomere—tend to shorten as time passes. This means that the telomeres become shorter as one gets older. However, research holds that there are some nutrients, which have a big role to play in safeguarding the telomere length; thus, slowing down the aging process. Let’s now take a look at these nutrients now!

Vitamin D

According to various experiments held by the experts, people with higher levels of vitamin D tend to possess longer telomeres. This also indicates that people with more amounts of vitamin D may age more slowly than those with lesser amounts of vitamin D. It has been found that the subsets of leukocytes contain receptors for active vitamin D3, which enables the vitamin to directly affect the aging cells. So, the best way to maximize the levels of vitamin D is to expose your body to safe sun rays in early morning before 9 a.m.


Experts have found that antioxidants have positive relationship with longer telomeres. In this context, astaxanthin has come out as one of the most advantageous and more potent antioxidants with potent anti-inflammatory as well as DNA-protective abilities. Antioxidants are often recommended to slow down the premature aging process, and that this one is just the aging buster. Astaxanthin works in such a manner that it ensures antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory protection to your central nervous system, brain, and eyes. Further, it safeguards the entire cell from damage, both the fat-soluble and water-soluble portions; which other antioxidants do not offer.


Having too less of CoQ10 results in premature aging. Did you know that this essential vitamin salvages other antioxidants like vitamin C and E? For those who don’t know, CoQ10 is required by each and every cell for proper daily functioning. According to an experiment conducted on aging rats, CoQ10 boosts energy and appetites with its powerful anti-aging effect, in the sense that it sustains youthfulness for a long time.

Vitamin K2

The first study on this vitamin done in 2004 showed unveiled several health benefits of vitamin K2. According to it, folks having around 45 mcg of this vitamin daily tend to live seven years longer than those having fewer amounts. This indicated that the aging process slows down by adequate amounts of vitamin K2. Surprisingly, this nutrient has been given the tag of “next vitamin D”. This vitamin is richly present in cheese and the natto (Japanese food).


Several researches have shown that magnesium contributes to DNA repair, DNA reproduction, and increased telomere length in ladies. Any deficiency of this nutrient has shown to cause telomere shortening in cell cultures. Experts agree that it is sensible to accept that magnesium affects telomere length by influencing DNA integrity 

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Unlike supplementary folic acid, naturally existing folate from green leafy vegetables and beans has been found to be extremely beneficial for the overall health of both men and women. As per a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, vitamin B’s plasma concentration positively influences the telomere length in both genders. Further, folic acid also contributes to the sustenance of DNA integrity as well as methylation, due to which it positively maintains the telomere length, thereby, decelerating the aging process. 

Bio: Lucy McCloy is a dietician and offers an ideal nutrition to her patients who are conscious about skin and beauty. Side by side, she searches about anti-aging supplements due to which some once came across Bob Edwards Youth Juice online and found it very interesting.

25 June 2023, 18:07 | Views: 2464

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